September 22, 2019
Service sector urged to uphold workers’ rights, stay compliant
The labor department sought the support of business establishments to eradicate illegal forms of contractualization and urged service contractors to uphold the rights and welfare of their employees and stay compliant with general labor laws and standards.At the 9th National Conference of the Philippine Association of Legitimate Service Contractors Inc. (PALSCON), Labor Secretary Silvestre Bello III reminded the association to honor its commitment to help the government in providing decent employment opportunities to the Filipino workers.
“Allow me to take this opportunity to again express my gratitude to PALSCON on our recent partnership. That partnership was meant to bring decent employment opportunities to Filipino jobseekers. It has thus far reached more jobseekers across the country. It also proved to be working in DOLE’s favor in furtherance of our mandate to improve the employment situation in the country,” Bello said.
Bello underscored the importance of adapting into a world that is radically changing due to the emergence of new technologies
“The world is indeed changing and we all have to adapt to consequences. The service sector, for example, is going through revolutionary change, which dramatically affects the way we live and work. New services are being launched to satisfy our current needs and to meet the needs that we did not even know we had,” he added.
The role of the service contractors was recognized by the labor chief in achieving long lasting industrial peace and a harmonious working environment which translates into economic growth, national productivity and global competitiveness.
The attendees were also urged to utilize outsourcing services properly and turn it into an effective strategy to reduce expenses, and further help reduce unemployment in the country.
PALSCON President Rhoda Caliwara meantime pledged the continuous support of the association to the government’s bid for compliance on general labor standards and occupational safety and health standards despite various challenges and the emergence of the 4th industrial revolution.
“We have seen many challenges, but we still stand to uphold the rights and welfare of the workers and at the same time balance the interest of the service contractors. The government has demanded compliance, and PALSCON did more. It policed its ranks. We try to find harmony in the industry and long to legitimize the service contracting industry,” Caliwara said.