PALSCON Joins Pre-Summit Dialogue For Businesses
April 26, 2021
The Philippine Association of Legitimate Service Contractors, Inc. (PALSCON) joined the Pre-Summit Dialogue for Businesses last April 23,2021 held via Zoom.
A pre-summit dialogue for businesses was lead by Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE), and Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) in collaboration with various sectors, Asian Development Bank (ADB), Senator Sonny Angara,and World Bank officials also joined the pre-summit dialogue.
DTI, DOLE and TESDA formed the National Employment Recovery Strategy or NERS Task Force chaired by DTI Secretary Ramon Lopez, co-chaired by DOLE Secretary Sylvestre Bello III and TESDA Secretary Isidro Lapeña, to boost employment, livelihood, and businesses.
In the 8-Point Employment Recovery Action Plan reported by DOLE Asec. Nikki Tutay, wage subsidy of Php8,000.00 for three months to one million workers of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME) will be included in the 1.14 trillion allocated budget.
Wage Subsidy Program was also proposed by the business sector represented by the Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PCCI) President Ambassador Yujuico and this was underscored by DTI Secretary Lopez. Secretary Lopez gave a full support to the business sector specifically on the following areas:
- Local Procurement Plan
- Business Renewal Fees, minimize Red Tapes and ease the burden of the business sector
- Enforce CREATE- Corporate Recovery and Tax Incentives for Enterprises Act
- IPP- Investment Priorities Plan/BOI
- Business ID System in coordination with Green Lane and ARTA agencies to streamline business processes
Adjourning the pre-summit dialogue, Secretary Lapeña confidently said to the 700 plus participants, “Sabay sabay natin malalagpasan ito” (Together, we shall overcome these crises).
Other Participants were from National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA), Development Academy of the Philippines (DAP), Employers Confederation of the Philippines (ECOP) and other industries.
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