Memorandum of Agreement between TESDA and PALSCON
February 04, 2022
SG Reports
Memorandum of Agreement between TESDA and PALSCON
January 26,2022, Wednesday, 10am via Zoom, the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority or TESDA and the Philippine Association of Legitimate Service Contractors , Inc. or PALSCON ceremoniously signed a Memorandum of Agreement forming a joint partnership to complement each other’s objectives and undertaking.
The Memorandum of Agreement was signed by TESDA Director General Sec. Isidro S. Lapeña and PALSCON National President Rhoda Castro Caliwara witnessed by Deputy Director General for TESDA Operations Lina C. Sarmiento and Deputy Director General for Partnerships and Linkages Aniceto "John" D. Bertiz III and PALSCON Corporate Secretary and Head Coach of PALSCON Academy Jay Ar Sta. Ana and PALSCON Secretary General Al V. Chichioco.
Officers and Members of TESDA and PALSCON also attended this event.
PALSCON Academy Head Coach Jay Ar Sta. Ana is expected to sit down with TESDA Officers later to give details and finalize the training programs lined up for the year.