396th PALSCON General Membership Meeting September 8, 2022, Thursday, 2 pm at Gabaldon Room, Club Filipino, Greenhills, San Juan
September 05, 2022
396th PALSCON General Membership Meeting September 8, 2022, Thursday, 2 pm at Gabaldon Room, Club Filipino, Greenhills, San Juan.
Registration starts at 1 pm.
President's Report by Ms.Rhoda Caliwara National President PALSCON.
Part 1: Orientation on TESDA Enterprise-Based Programs.
Guest Speaker: Ms. FLORAMEL JOY CRUZ-SONGSONG, MPA (OS), KBP Acting Assistant Executive Director TESDA.
Part 2: "Labor cases- NLRC rules, procedures, and practices in 2022".
Guest Speaker: ATTY. PURDEY P. PEREZ Deputy Executive Clerk of Court 4th Division, Commission Proper National Labor Relations Commission.
Registration Fees: Members: Php 800.00 per Head, Non-Members: Php 1000.00 per head.
BDO Savings Account No., 002180100449, Account Name: Philippine Association of Legitimate Service Contractors Inc., Kindly send a copy of proof of payment to