Induction of PALSCON 2022-23 Officers and Directors
January 12, 2022
SG Reports
Induction of PALSCON 2022-23 Officers and Directors
January 12, 2022, 2:30pm , our PALSCON 2022-23 Officers and Directors were inducted via online by no less than Department of Labor Secretary Sylvestre H. Bello III.

The honorable Secretary administered the Oath taking and sworn into office PALSCON’s new set of National Officers namely:

Special Acknowledgement:

Past Presidents:


Messages of Support were given by DOLE Secretary Bello, ECOP President SOL and PCCI President George. DOLE key officials USEC Ana Dione and ASEC Niki Tutay also graced the event.
PALSCON Past Presidents Sarah Deloraya Mateo, Butch Guerrero and Rudy Enriquez participated in the ceremony along with other guests and members.
Finally, fourth term National President Rhoda Castro Caliwara thanked all the distinguished guests and members and assured the continued support of PALSCON to government, the private and business, the service contracting industry and the Filipino local workers.